Monday, January 12, 2009

ooo boy I love you so, neva neva neva gonna let you go...

Once I get my hands on yooooouuuu. I hate it when random songs get into my head and don't leave for days. Especially when I only know two lines of said song. Where do they come from? And why do I wake up with songs playing over and over in my head? I often wonder if that is the pre-cursor to insanity. Like someday the music will stop and the voices will start. Maybe they've just been on hold waiting until I finally snap. That's a nice thought. I'll make sure I tell you when they come on the line.

Speaking of snapping I had the biggest urge today while I was at work to go home and just start throwing shit out. I feel like I am all congested and I just want to take half of my stuff and get rid of it. I think I was waiting for my stint on "What Not to Wear" (which I am obsessed with and would go on and spend that 5k in 5 seconds) This way tho maybe I could be like well, Clinton, Stacy, I have already thrown out my stuff so let's get crackin'. I wonder if they tell some of the contestants to act like that or if they really are. I have NEVER cried in a store when faced with the task of spending other peoples' money. But maybe that's why I'll never be on the show. Although, I could be the show where the person doesn't freak out or argue. They could do an "easy" show where everything is happy. If they really want drama maybe I could get mad at Carmindy. I do feel like I look weird in makeup. And I hate foundation so it might work. I also don't know if I trust Nick. I LOVE my hairstylist and I think she might be sad to have him ruin what she spends so much time on. So there you go TLC! There is your drama! Let me come on your show!!!!

This was a weird bloggie yet I still feel good about it. Maybe it's the Kenny Loggins I am listening to as I write this. Yeah that's probably it...highway to the danger zone dudes.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Two Thousand and nine!?

I can't believe it is it's 2009. I can't believe it's been 9 years since I graduated high school. Hell, I can't believe it's January. Where the heck does the time fly to? I figured it would be as good a time as any to write a little bit today. It's one of my New Year's Moxies. Don't worry dear reader I shall explain. I looked up resolution on cause I hate it. I hate many words and resolution certainly isn't at the top, but still, it sucks. I was looking in the synonym column and there it was. I forget how much I truly love the word "moxie" I'm pretty sure the context is all wrong and they meant it as a synonym to the other definition of resolution but as I have said time and time again (yet for the first time this year har har har) this is my bloggie and I can do with it as I wish. So from now on my resolutions are called moxies. And here they are in all of their glory. Maybe if I get them out here in the internets I can actually hold myself to them. Let's all see how that goes shall we?

Moxie numero uno:
Write everyday. I've got to get cracking on this whole dream of mine thing. Whether it's here or working on some of the other projects I've got rolling around the noggin, I will be putting pen to paper everyday. Or fingers to keys, or pencil to bark, or blood to bathroom get the idea. So be prepared to read some K-rap my friends.

Duo Moxieness:
Move back into the goddamn city. I can't handle San Mateo anymore. I'm sorry SanMat...I tried, I really did. I think if we had a car it would be better. I just can't be stuck in this 2 mile circle of crap anymore. I want to live in a city where you can get dinner past 9pm. I want to live in a city where people take their dogs out for walks and consider it a fun thing and a social event. Instead of jerking them out for 3 seconds and then jerking them back inside. I want to live in a city where people do things. Instead of doing so much nothing that the occupants drive themselves crazy, start screaming and beating each other and eventually involve the police. Domestic disputes are alive and well in San Mateo.

Moxie Trois: (which will most certainly be my French porn name if the opportunity ever presents itself)
I want to live a more relaxed life. I live a lot of worries. Some warranted, some insane, all useless thieves of my happiness and time. (aw shit gettin' deep naw) I feel like I need to move to the stage of life where you realize there are some things that just happen. And more often then not something interesting comes from it. It might suck really hard or it might be ok. So I want to try to live more in general and to live by one of my favorite quotes:

Stan, don't you know the first law of physics? Anything that's fun costs at least eight dollars.