Thursday, May 8, 2008


I saw a commercial last night for gum that said that Extra sugar-free gum was a new and delicious 5 calorie snack. What the fuck?! Since when is gum a snack? Chips, nuts, pretzels, popcorn, cookies, these are snacks. Gum is not. Gum is barely a member of the candy family. But the ad did tell me that I could go from "nice gut" to "nice butt" so it must be magic gum. And if that is the case then they are marketing it all wrong.

1 comment:

Hoygeit said...

Totally agree.

"Snack 1. a small portion of food or drink or a light meal, esp. one eaten between regular meals."

If I ever consider chewing gum a snack, smother me with bacon cheeseburgers.