I've had a headache for like the last 5 days, along with a cough, and sore throat which as I'm sure you could guess, didn't really help my whole hating the world thing. I imagined this morning while crossing the street that everyone in their cars could see a little black rain cloud with lighting flashes above me while I walked grumbling about the stupid sun and the stupid blue sky. It made me rather happy and I decided that I wanted to make a tiny felt rain cloud that I could carry with me on days when I was less than cheery. Suddenly that notion seemed extremely familiar to me and then it hit me. Murky from Rainbow Brite had a little storm cloud that he carried around with him. I had a whole bunch of Rainbow Brite dolls when I was little. I even had the dog and the horse (take that stupid girl down the street that always had the whole set of everything). I loved that show so much. I wanted to be Patty O'Green which is weird cause my nickname in my family is LaLa and there was a character named Lala Orange. She was a little weird for me tho. She was pretty 70's looking and had brown hair. It was supposed to be orange but to me it just looked brown. As the current state of my hair may tell you, I was always excited by alternatively colored hair so Patty O'Green's lucious green mane was all it took for me to love her. Rainbow Brite had pretty much everything I've ever loved in my life and therefore is my go to show for really happy childhood memories. There were rainbows, sprites, girls with powers, adorable bad guys, lots of stars (like star shapes and star decorations), and a puppy. Yep. I'd live in Rainbow Land right now. I'd be replace Lala Orange and do it up RIGHT. I'd ride around on Starlite all day and then Moonglow and I would hang out all night. aaahhhh
But no. I have to live in the real world. The world where we can't seem to do things right. The world where a drill can explode and then leak oil into the ocean at the tune of 5,000 gallons a day. What the fuck?! This would never be allowed in Rainbow Land. Like we don't do enough to the oceans? How come we can't do this shit right? I'm not hippie enough to say that we should stop using oil all together, I don't really know enough about it. But I do know that in this day and age we should be able to make containers that hold oil IN when things happen or we shouldn't do it. We're pretty technically advanced these days...figure it out. Too expensive you say, well, I think the oil companies have got it. In 2008 BP was averaging 42 million pounds per day. DAY. I think someone, somewhere should be able to make oil transportation safer with that kind of money flying around.
I know I'll sound like a bit of an eco nut and trust me I'm really really not, but when the oceans fail, humans fail. Not kidding around if we ruin the oceans we're toast.
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