And now I'm all pissy cause my finger hurts.
It's days like this that I start googling "bay area kickboxing class". My stress level seems unnaturally high. I figure it's only a matter of time before I see some poor soul in ski boots and a scarf, notice that I am pretty warm, realize it is 70 degrees outside, flip out and beat the person to a bloody mess. I hope I don't actually do that someday and then this bloggie could be used as evidence. Proof that it was premeditated. Wouldn't that be sad if I got sent up (been watching "The Wire" lately) because of my own self centered need to tell people things I think they should care about? tragic.
Here is a list of the things I hate right now:
The Grammys (aka the state of music these days) Except my new love Adele. So great.
Why doesn't it storm in this area?!
Why can't anyone make a Chicago style pizza correctly left of I90?
Why did I get $1200 from the government just to have them take that same amount back in taxes?
spiders-everyday not just today
People who make fun of me when I say "pop" it's called soda POP you jerks.
The fact that I wrote this monday and tuesda but didn't finish it till today so now I'm sorta lying.
dirty dishes
the fact that my head is too big to get my hair cut really short
whenever I try to do something cute with my hair it happens to be the windiest day on record.