People taking their (non service) dogs into restaurants, stores, malls, Safeways, coffee shops...yes I love my dog too but she's still a dog. All that happens when you take your dog into a crowded place is they get stepped on, kicked, tripped over and otherwise hurt. Leave them home!
People voting stupidly on state budget measures to "stick it to the government" you're not hurting that politician that will ALWAYS make 200K a year - you are hurting public services...and it's all fun and games until YOU need help.
Those damn Harry Potter books are good! It's the movies that suck!
Being made fun of for wanting to see Night at the Museum 2. I'm sorry-it looks funny and has like 27 hilarious people in it plus, the first one was good. Fuck you...jerk.
Having shows like "My Name is Earl" get canceled while "The Cleavland Show" gets a second season before the first season airs.
Being labeled as jealous because I hate someone. No, that person just happens to be a useless human being.
Reading articles in magazines and newspapers about how it's not all a bad thing when you lose your job. "Use the time to find yourself" Sure, if you are independently wealthy. Don't mock people that are out of work by saying they should find a new hobby. Here's a good about trying to keep a roof over my head?
Not being a mutant, witch, elf or other magical creature. I'm sorta done with just being a regular human.
When people are fake scared of stupid things. Sure, I have irrational fears of things too... spiders, drowning, and falling off high things to my death-scary things. I'm talking when people are plastered in horror to the wall of the elevator because my 11 pound dog that looks like this:

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