I realized WAY too late the other night that the show I was zoned out watching was Big Brother After Dark on Showtime and I had just spent a good 25 minutes watching strangers eat.
Isn't it amazing how one person can seemingly take up an entire sidewalk when you are rushing to get somewhere?
I can have the shittiest day ever and somehow a 20 minute walk with my pup can make me feel so much better. Thanks dogs you guys are awesome.
I woke up this morning with the worst calf cramp I've had in a really long time and my brain kept trying to make me just fall right back asleep instead of doing something about the cramp. Stupid brain.
I don't think I could hate anything more than rich celebrities that are stupid assholes that don't deserve one cent of the money they have. You get one chance to be a decent person, when you fuck up you get your money taken away and given to those who need it. ONE chance.
These are the things I'd like to have within walking distance to me and it's never going to happen. Good pizza, Dairy Queen, Pet Food Express, Target, and a great homey bar.
I just remembered that I put something in the washer like 8 days ago and haven't put it in the dryer yet...dammit!
Why do eggs make me sick all the sudden? Maybe I never even liked eggs.
If I was on a deserted island and could only have 3 things I would pick Mike, my dog and peanut butter. Not very helpful I know but at least I would be happy.
I wonder sometimes if I am really really crazy and everyone I meet is just humoring me?
I think I'd have an easier time killing a person than an animal. I'm not saying I'd like to do either I just think I'd feel worse about one of them.
Baby hippos are adorable.