Monday, July 13, 2009

Fine...don't care about cool stuff..jerks

Anyone who reads this bloggie knows that I am no stranger to being pissed off. Especially at the residents of this glorious town I reside in. (BTW, I'm not going to apologize for not writing for a month like I usually feel compelled to do. I was busy...fuck off) Yesterday evening I was walking Pocky and feeling pretty good. I'd had a workday crammed FULL of bullshit and turmoil but it was really nice out and seeing Pox so happy at just walking with me always makes me feel better. We went to the park and saw the small dog clique that both she and I feel uncomfortable with because we both know that she is waaaaay cooler than those stuck up puffy bitches. I've heard that Einstein thought the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I must be insane then cause for some reason every time I approach this group I expect to have a different conversation and I always end up walking away slowly shaking my head. It always goes down like this :

The gaggle of rich SF ladies with strollers for their dogs: ooooooooh what a cute chihuahua!
Me: thanks, but actually she's a pug miniature pinscher mix.
The gaggle: (now somehow already pissed at me) oh....she looks like a chihuahua
Me: yeah, I guess
The gaggle: what's her name?
Me: Apocalypse Momo Von Doom. Pocky for short
The gaggle: Pokey?
Me: hockey with a P.
Meanwhile during this conversation, out of the corner of my eye I see their dead eyed dogs rolling around in each other's shit, neurotically trying to get the necklaces, bracelets, barrettes, and little coats off before they lose that last smidge of dog credibility they once might have had.
The gaggle: well my little missy princess here is a pomeranian bichon mix.
Me: (trying to stifle the chuckles)coooOOOooool, she looks....puffy.

By now I have remembered that this is always how these conversations go and we start to quickly walk towards the edge of the park. Last night I bid The gaggle adieu a little too late and they ended up being right behind me. I always stop and look out over the channel when we are on the bridge because I am from Illinois and a water creature freak so the prospect of seeing a sea lion or even a saltwater fish is always on my mind. Last night we were looking out and Pocky chuffed at something the exact same moment I saw a weird swirly happening on the surface of the water. I looked closer and saw a stingray gliding near the surface about to go under the bridge. I lost my shit and turned to the nearest person while pointing and screaming "lookit...there's a fucking stingray right there!" The gaggle looked at me like I had just said "lookit....there's fucking water right there!" and walked past. I tried to take a picture but only had my stupid phone and in my struggle to hold on to Pox and not drop my phone in the water I wasn't able to catch anything but green. I was super pumped but bummed that nobody else thought it was cool. Then I realized that I should be happy that I thought it was cool and if those vapid whores didn't care about it, it was their loss. Maybe if it was wearing some bling and was named Sissy they would have cared.

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