I didn't like that font. It was too close together. It gave me a headache. Not like that is very hard these days...seems like lately if a leaf touches my head I get a massive headache. I think it is my brain telling me to shut the fuck up and relax. I feel exhausted when I wake up in the morning and that, my friends, is just ridiculous. I feel like I have been playing an uber-intense "hiding for your life" game of hide and go seek...all night long. Why? you ask? Why do I feel like this even in my sleep? Because I seem to be drowning in regret lately. It seems like every decision I make I regret...and if I don't regret it...I feel like I could have made a better one.
Maybe that still is regret...I dunno. See! I just regretted using the phrase regret. I tell you...something is coming over me and I don't like it. My dad is like this...only on a much bigger level. I am not blaming him because I don't like it when people blame all their bad traits on their parents. I am just saying that now I get where he was coming from a little better. But now the question is: how do I get out of it? I don't really know yet but I am hoping that I can figure it out over the next couple of weeks cause I need some sleep! Stay tuned bloggie readers (all 2 of you)to see the miraculous conclusion of Regretful Laura. By the way...the main happiness I get from life is smashing two words together to make a new "omniword" and it is pissing me off that I can't do it with blog readers. It comes out as bleaders...which is just wrong. reaggers? maybe...i dunno...still have to work on that one.
On a completely other topic...sort of...I think I shouldn't be alone in my regret soup because last night we watched Transformers, and Mr. Michael Bay should be swimming in here right along with me. Some of the fights were neat...some parts were sorta funny...and the rest was just garbage. How many story arcs should one "robot" movie have? Apparently 12 not including the underdeveloped love story.

It would have been so good...if they made the transformers design less busy, took out almost every other human except Shia Labouf, removed the military element entirely and for god sakes...can we please leave out the "hot girl who knows cars(at least knows that his car stopped because the gasket cap was loose), cause she used to steal them, with her dad, who is in jail, cause she turned him in, who rides on a moped yet has the skills to drive a tow truck with a giant robot hooked to it backwards thru a crazy city?"...wait...now that I think about it...this is the only movie where a character like that could have ever existed. Well done Mr. Bay...you are creative.
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