I am a HUGE Indiana Jones fan as anyone who knows me can attest to. Hell...my dad's ringer on my phone is the Indy theme (partly because he looks like Harrison Ford) And I have to say....and it pains me....it was OK. Yes, just OK. I had really really really high hopes. I really like Shia and Cate and I thought they would make good additions to the group. And they did....sort of. For the amount of time that they had to make/write this movie I expected a little more. It seems like just when it got classic Indy style it would get all stupid. Case in point: *not really a spoiler* There is a wicked, classic, knock into each others' cars chase scene thru the jungle. (cool) Then Shia gets caught up in some vines. Then he meets some terrible looking CG monkeys. In the next minute he is swinging Tarzan style thru the jungle with the monkeys who apparently are now his allies. (lame) Then he swings into the car and the terrible looking CG monkeys attack the "bad guy" car for absolutely no reason. (lame x 5)
I may be totally off base here but I just can't help but think that every little thing that is just this side of total crap is George Lucas' fault. Why can't someone reel that dude in? What happened to him in the 90's that caused him to be unable to write a decent story? I am not a huge Star Wars fan but I can totally admire that amount of story telling ability. And as previously stated...I love the first 3 Indiana Jones. If I ever meet him that is the first thing I will ask. "Hey George, what the hell happened to your brain in the 90's?"
There was a really cool side plot going on that would have made it hands down a better movie. But nooooooo he has to muck it all up and make a sharp left straight down stupid lane.

I don't want to give out any plot spoilers for the 3 people that read this but can someone please PLEASE tell George how magnets work? I think he might have missed that day in school. So all in all...the Indy parts that were Indy parts were awesome. The story was not so awesome. You should go see it tho. It is good to see him back, and then go watch Raiders and you will be fine.