I know all you 7 people who might read this are angry and I am sorry. I know it's like getting to the middle of a too long and rambley but mildly funny book and then you turn the page and it's blank. Totally blank save some tiny type at the bottom of the page that says: To be continued in a few months. It sucks I know and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that now that I am back I am going to once again talk about Caltrain. Oh yes I am. Not the whole bloggie...but the beginning definitely is devoted to the mighty C-train.
This is the scenario that I seem to be witnessing night after night. The train gets to my stop. I disembark along with a group of 5 to 7 others. We start walking to the stairs so we leave the train behind us. Up ahead I see a young guy hauling ass across the tracks to catch the train. He zooms passed us and undoubtedly 2 or 3 of my walking mates throw a baffled look on their faces and then stop, turn around and stare.
WHAT are you LOOKING at?! I want to scream into the night. You know where he is going! You know why he is running! Why do you have to look?! At first I thought it was because they wanted to see if said Young man made the train or not. But then the more I watched the more I saw genuine confusion on their faces.
It's like you can see them thinking :"hmm, I wonder where he is running to. I should stop in the middle of the platform, turn and stare to figure it out....oooooh I see he was trying to catch the train....huh imagine that"
Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I thought like that. Like what if you saw one of those weird commercials for everyday things like plastic, or chicken, or Velcro...and you went out of your way to go purchase some plastic. Like you put up terrible plastic windows in your house instead of glass cause the TV told you to.
Sometimes I joke and say that ignorance really is bliss and I am jealous of people that are like that. But then again, I feel like somewhere deep down inside I would know. I would be standing there at the train platform and there would be a tiny voice saying...psst...you are being a moron...please stop...psst. Or if I was standing at my polling place with the screen in front of me ready to vote a man that picked Sarah Palin as his VP into the most important office in this country. There the little voice would be...hey...hey...pay attention...you are sending this country to hell....pssst. Or if I felt that it was my job to tell adults who they can and cannot marry I imagine there would be a ringing in my brain....hey...who the hell gives you the right to outlaw an institution that has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with civil rights...hey....stop it you bigoted piece of shit....hey...pssst...
So as I walk past the people who are turned to answer the ultimate mystery of the world I shake my head in sadness and thank jeebus that I voted for Barack Obama.
Congratulations President Elect Obama! People from Illinois rule the world! :D